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biker jokes

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  • biker jokes

    A drunken man staggers into a Church and sits down in a
    confession box and says nothing. The bewildered priest coughs
    to attract his attention, but still the man says nothing. The priest
    then knocks on the wall three times in a final attempt to get the
    man to speak. Finally the drunk replies, "No use knockin' mate.
    There's no paper in this one either".

    ***One day, while walking to the store, I passed by a Nursing Home. On the front lawn were six old ladies laying naked on the grass. I thought this was a bit unusual, but continued on my way to the store.
    On my return trip, I passed the same Nursing Home with the same six old ladies laying naked on the lawn. This time my curiosity got the best of me and I went inside to talk to the manager.
    "Do you know there are six ladies laying naked on your front lawn?"
    "Yes," he said. "They are retired prostitutes and they're having a yard sale".


    A farmer just got married and was going home on his wagon pulled by a team of horses. When one of the hoses stumbled, he said, "That's once."
    Then it stumbled again. He said, "That's twice."
    Then later it stumbled a third time. This time, he didn't say anything, just pulled out a shotgun and shot the horses dead.
    His wife cried out and started to yell at him. The farmer turned to her and said, "That's once."


    A little boy and his dad were walking down the street when they saw two dogs having sex. The little boy asks his father “Daddy, what are they doing?” The father says, “Making a puppy.” So they walk on and go home.
    A few days later, the little boy walks in on his parents having sex. The little boy says, “Daddy, what are you doing?” The father replies, “Making a baby.” The little boy says, “Well, flip her around! I'd rather have a puppy instead!”


    lust auf mehr?
    Zuletzt geändert von King Jack; 04.01.2004, 00:00.

    Mein Motto für das Leben:

    1. Das Glück bevorzugt den der vorbereitet ist.
    2. Murphy's law übertrifft vier Asse
    3. Es ist nicht erst eine Lüge wenn es ein anderer glaubt.

  • #2
    Zuviel auf den Harley Seiten gesurft? *g*
    beste Grüsse

    "Es regnete nicht, als Noah die Arche baute!"


    • #3
      Jokes und Fun wäre auch noch gut, oder?

